Pabellón de la Diversidad
Chihuahua, México (2017)
This project adresses one of the greatest social problems in Mexico: Homophobia. It makes an analysis on it through the glass of empathy towards the LGBTT community, and would be located in the city of Chihuahua, Mexico in front of its cathedral and congress, on a public square. This placement is not an accident but neither is it a violent confront against the ideals and beliefs of others, but an invitation to begin the dialogue and understanding that will put an end to bigotry and ignorance and promote acceptance (both of the other and the self), tolerance and peace.
This project adresses one of the greatest social problems in Mexico: Homophobia. It makes an analysis on it through the glass of empathy towards the LGBTT community, and would be located in the city of Chihuahua, Mexico in front of its cathedral and congress, on a public square. This placement is not an accident but neither is it a violent confront against the ideals and beliefs of others, but an invitation to begin the dialogue and understanding that will put an end to bigotry and ignorance and promote acceptance (both of the other and the self), tolerance and peace.

The project takes quite literally the metaphorical concept of comming out of a closet. A series of closets are distributed forming a catwalk that forms new axial fluxes. Each closet is fitted in the inside with a "comming out" testimony from a member of the LGBT community. In it they tell the struggle, both within themselves as with society, they had to endure to ultimately find and accept themselves.

Several of these closets were hollowed-out to become new entries into the catwalk, creating new transversal fluxes while also reinterpreting the closet from a place of hiding to an open door to the community, facing the cathedral. A cover is created through the rotation of the closets, repeating them horizontaly and joining them through their open doors. They are hollowed out, being now a light cover that also allows light to enter the pavillion.